I went to visit my boyfriend for a day, and he lives in such a beautiful part of the state. We hiked up a small mountain with a steep cliff face, and the view was stunning. I also learned how to use the panorama function on my camera... click on the photo below to see it full size!

In other news, been getting ready for my next show, July 19th and 20th at Arrowhead park in Inlet, NY. I'm making an "Adirondack series" of animals, so far including a mallard duckling and a red backed salamander. Other ideas include a snapping turtle, toad, red squirrel, chipmunk, and loon, with plenty of other possibilities. I'll also be offering some of my photography. And I'm realizing that one show per month is just plenty for me... and hopefully I'll have some time to make new things for my etsy shop.
Gorgeous scenery! Good luck with your show :)
Wow, these are beautiful shots!!! Aaaaah... the great outdoors.... :)
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