Well, one of my cats, Skyler, needs to be on my lap when I'm using my laptop. She waits on the couch for me, or slinks down the stairs within a couple minutes of me sitting down. Without fail.
And she's not content being nearby, oh no. She tries her hardest to lay all the way across me (keep in mind, my lap is already being taken up by my laptop). She steps on keys, drools on my arms, and nuzzles my hands (ew). And she howls! The most demanding sounding cat I've ever seen. If she doesn't get her way, she whines.
She's my baby though, an old lady who just wants attention (17 years old). Today I managed to get a few photos of how she likes to "help" me. Did I mention I'm allergic to my cats? Yeah. Can't escape.

Your cat looks adorable :)
cats are so funny. i've come to like them more since being on etsy and being with my boyfriend (who likes them and always makes reference to a cat he had back in the day)
My giant sized cat loves to lay on my sewing machine desk or under the wheels of my chair. Very helpful.
I'm allergic to my cats too. Life without them would be so much worse than life without eye rubbing an congestion would be better, though!
Cats love to be around computers, I wonder why that is?
i love cats! yours looks so cute!
What a sweetie! My cat makes sure I stay fit and limber by lying in wait for me to drop beads and then seeing if I can retrieve them from the ground before she can gobble them up.
Nothing like a kitty cat helper... to make your job so much "easier"... I love the pictures... I am a kitty cat person...even though I am allergic too:)~
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