With even more caique silliness! This happened again while my brother and I were watching wrestling, and I had left one of Pepper's cups in his cage. I heard him cooing, and it sounded funny... it turns out that was because his head was IN HIS CUP.

After taking some pictures he crawled out and back up onto his perch.
And then he did it again.

He also likes reading the comics, too. He sleeps under the newspaper sometimes if we leave a sheet on top of the cage bottom. Perhaps he'll sleep under the newspaper upside down with his head in the cup? That would be a parrot silliness trifecta!
What a character! I can't imagine why he would like to have that cup smothering his beak...
The first picture to this was priceless as I opened your blog for the first time. I have seen and admired your work on Etsy. I go by "Meadowsgirl" on there.
So, when I saw the first picture, I thought she really is good at creating life size pieces that resemble the animal so well. Amazing, what goes through our minds in a split second...lol
oh my goodness, how funny!!
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