Well, I went to a thrift store today, and found a beautiful sewing machine. It's old, portable, and has all the parts included (even the manual). However it's rusty and in iffy shape, and so it took me a while to decide to take it home.
Of course I relented. For $40 it was worth the chance.

1. The company doesn't exist. Or at least, not since the internet has been around because I can't find any information on it, at all. I've found references of "eesco" being an electronics company, and a fabric company, but nothing about sewing machines.
2. How old is it??? The manual has NO INFORMATION about the company (not even the name) or the year. In the back section about ordering new parts, it says to contact the store where you bought it. Nice, huh. It has a serial number but that doesn't do me much good without the company. Made in USA, at least.
3. It doesn't really work. I plugged it in, pressed the foot pedal and it make some horrible noises, and the needle went jerkily up and down a few times. Definitely needs some work, but it has potential! I'm thinking some cleaning up and a good dose of oil will do it a world of good.
My grandfather sews and has several really old machines at his house, so I'm hoping he can help me. If not, I'm having a garage sale soon and could pass it on to someone who has more experience. However I'd really hate to give up this pretty machine.
That is soooo cool! Even if you can't get it to work, it would make a great display piece.
You might also look for a sewing machine repair store in your area to take a look at it.
I love it. If we had more space, I could totally see myself collecting old sewing machines, working or not!
We all would have done the SAME thing. How unusual and beautiful.
Beauty! I have a Singer just like it. Maybe it's a knock off (my guess) and you will be able to get the replacement parts if you need from a Singer dealer?
Good luck and enjoy!
You should contact etsian
Surrenderdorothy (aka HRMB) as she and her man-person fix up lots of old machines.
She may know what kind this is and where to get parts and such.
You can also try some of the Yahoo groups who focus on old Singers. They may be able to point you in the right direction.
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