It was an amazingly good time - perfect weather, set up and take down went quickly and smoothly, I had the most wonderful comfortable chair (got for FREE at a garage sale), my mom kept me company and we enjoyed people watching together, the people were super friendly and supportive, got to meet some other etsy people (yay!), and I made about $200. Not too bad, and I have a bunch of possible custom orders. Oh, and I gave out all my business cards - I had to stamp more while I was there!
Overall I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Here are some shots of my setup:

One of my favorite visitors was a man who I observed really scrutinizing my work, looking through my book, seeming to give it all a lot of thought. I was busy talking to other people inside my tent and he wandered off. Later he came back, and brought up one of my drawings. He said he had bought a drawing from me at the Stockade art show two years ago (when I was still in high school), and he wanted to do it again. So he bought my harlequin beetle (the red/black/yellow one). I thought that was so cool :)
And I also got to meet three super cool etsians - sagittariusgallery, mamavsoap, and momerath. It's really fun to put a "real person" to an online avatar.
One more interesting tidbit - the show took place along a street, and my tent was outside a planned parenthood building. So on the corner of the street, and behind my tent, were people with giant signs and pamphlets protesting, as well as a bunch of guys with a bible and a huge jesus on a cross, praying. I found the whole thing rather amusing, it lasted most of the day. My favorite shot that doesn't include pictures of anyone's faces may be seen here.
So, that was my day, lots of fun and I'm still unpacking. Etsy shop is back up and running and I'll be anxiously awaiting more custom orders :)
Congratulations on your show! I can see from the pictures that your table (and your work!) looked GREAT!
Great pics and set up :-)
Glad you had such a good time :-)
Congrats! My last craft fair was similiar .... I made about the same amount of money, and though I didn't have any bugs I had a big teddy bear holding a plastic ice cream cone hanging off my tent spokes that made a lot of little girls happy! hehehe.
I'm glad it went well and thats pretty amazing about that man having purchased an item of yours before and coming back only to find you again and purchase something else :). This time he knows where to find you if he wants more things
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