Look what one of them found today, after I had passed by a patch of queen anne's lace flowers without examining them: one of my favorite insects, the ambush bug (Phymata erosa).
I did not realize they would be out this early, there is no goldenrod yet, which is where I usually find them. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled now. It's always neat to find ambush bugs in the wild and watch their behaviors - mating, competing for mates/territory, catching prey and sucking it dry... I've seen an ambush bug with a bumble bee in its grip before! They are quite adept at ambushing prey - hence their name.
Thanks for this post...I found one eating a honey bee (Not a good thing) and had never seen them before! Also on the Queen Anne's Lace. I am in Milton, VT. I love your blog and I love bugs!
Very good project. Keep submitting posts!
We appreciate the data. Congratulations!
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