My pink toe tarantula (Avicularia avicularia), Tip Toe, FINALLY MOLTED today! I can't even remember the last time she molted, it's been at least a year.
Caught her when she was just starting and watched her on and off for an hour or so. It's a fascinating process which I had never actually seen, I've always managed to catch her just after she finishes. Here she is about halfway through:

Close up of the pretty new fangs:

When she finished I very carefully took away the old skin so she'd have room to turn over. It's important a molting tarantula doesn't get disturbed during the process.

I'll get more photos once she's completely hardened up and ready to be handled again (oh yes, I play with her, she's a friendly tarantula).
eeps, i think i may have a heart attack
She is beautiful. Seriously, the pics have given me a whole new appreciation for spiders! I look forward to seeing her after she's all done up again :)
She looks like a newborn colt in this "softer" stage, like she is finding her new legs. So pretty!!!
Man I want one!
That is sooo cool in a freaky rawly sorta way!
She really is beautiful though... will she be that light blue color for very long or does that change when she hardens?
Very cool - thanks for sharing! (I'm going to have to show my eleven year old daughter your blog - you might become her favorite etsy seller. :))
I was in awe when I saw this, I love spiders and it was so neat to see it after it had shed! You have a truly beautiful spider.
wait....spiders shed??!? where the heck have i been all my life? thanks--now i feel educated for the day :)
That is so awesome! The coloration of her fresh non-hardened exoskeleton is something I didnt expect!
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